Training and updating
For musicians and music teachers

Create your profile and choose the resources best suited to your professional growth

Edizioni Curci Srl is a MIUR Accredited Entity for the training of school personnel in accordance with Directive no. 170/2016

Get the best for your profession as a musician and teacher

Curci fa scuola is the project of Edizioni Curci dedicated to the training and continuing education of musicians and music teachers.
A dynamic learning environment designed to offer quality tools and methodologies, harmonizing the potential of the in-person learning experience with the virtual one, in line with the Ministry of Education’s guidelines and the School 4.0 Plan. Training paths developed with influential musicians, composers, writers, teachers, music technology experts, authors of the methodologies in the catalog.

Live Courses
The space where you can be the protagonist of your own learning by experiencing with others, online and in-presence
Registered courses
Courses you can access via pc, tablet and cell phone whenever you want.
Meetings with authors
Free appointments
with influential musicians, composers, writers, teachers, and music technology experts.
Books, methods and sheet music
From the Curci catalog
resources available in print and digital editions to complete the training.


Excerpt from the 14/12 webinar on Music Technology

Edizioni Curci is at your side if you wish to organize customized training and refresher courses for your institute

Digital books
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